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Colbert County Ala
February 12th 1868
Genl J. Hayden
H-Qrs Montgomery 

Dr Sir

In reply to Interrogations from your Head quarters some time since in relations to the destitution of the Citizens of said County

I have this to say that I have taken some pains to learn the facts in relation thereto and my conclusions and that there is at this time at least 500 women and children entirely without means or provisions for subsistance & who are living from charitable contributions from their friends (I mean Colored persons only) And I Candidly believe before the 1st July next there will be from 800 to 1000 in the like conditions numbers having divided to the last ear of corn I will further say that there appears to be a great deal of Corn in the county but the Freedman who have Corn as a general rule have nothing else & many of them shifting houses selling their corn at reduced prices & others being forced to sell a fraction of their Corn to obtain a little meat, molasses, sugar & coffee &c & consequently will be out & unable to extend liberality to Charitable objects, & further I will state these are a great many very old & imbecile who need aid & comfortable quarters & attention

Hence you see General thus aid is & will be greatly needed and further that It is all important that