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Sub. District. of Demopolis
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands
Demopolis July 15, 1868
Bt. Brig. Gen. Shepherd - Commanding
The leading gentleman of this place and vicinity called on me in committee to invite me to attend a Barbacue; and as they intended to raise the stars & stripes they desired of me the loan of a small field piece to fire 21 guns on so important an occasion. I endorsed their application over to the officer commanding at Selma, with my approval, & promised to attend this Barbacue, though I well knew the object of muting - viz. a Seymour ratification meeting; and I was satisfied too that every man of them was thoroughly disloyal & would tear the flag to pieces if they had the power
But politeness and kind words costs nothing; and I think too that it is a duty to execute our stern office as graciously as possible while modestly suggesting that I accord to them the same rights that they must concede to Freedmen
Your Respectfully
RA Wilson
Sub. Asst. Commissioner