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be protected whatever happens.

Jan 23.  Did'nt finish this yesterday so will to-day. See by this morning's paper that stocks have taken a big drop again. Are you still buying? The market is always being manipulated by a pool is'nt it.? And the innocent lamb usually comes in for a good shearing though of course many people have made money in stocks.  As to deeding the cl. plant. I want you to be protected but I must be too and if you and Doris were killed some trustee or trust is acting for Dot would assume ownership of it regardless of how much you had loaned me I shall have to ask Mr Downing about the best way to arrange it. If I lose everything I have, I would'nt stay in the world long enough to have it matter much and I should hope Egbert would'nt either. When people our age get to that point, its the only practical thing to do. I do not agree with Maude that "life is sweet". I think its hell for a large number of people. It is for me. Sometimes it seems as if 

Transcription Notes:
in these letters, apostraphes are regularly placed in a different positions, i.e., did'nt, is'nt, would'nt, could'nt ... "I'll" seems to be the only contraction that is modernized