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I should go out of my mind trying to find a way out.  However there is no insanity in the family so I probably will not.  E. is fortunately still at work but I dont know how long it will last though the man keeps finding more things for him to do as he can do many different kinds of work.  But the man is a regular slave driver & hounds the men all the time & tries to get over time work without paying them & talks insultingly to them.  In these times you have to take it with a smile & look meek.  About a thousand, perhaps more, of men & women to every possible job.  Women are taking care of children & doing the house work for their room & board – and glad to get it.  Of course where one has established themselves, in good times, in a household, one is usually retained at a fair wage.  But few here are paying what you do there in the east.  Egbert's optimistic nature is still sufficiently alive to the extent that he wants to try fattening broilers.  He used to double his money in ten days & thinks he could again.  He would have to start on a