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away for the past several years instead of investing it, and having it go sour. Well I am certainly sour about it & sore too but its too late now for me; I hav'nt anything left to salt away. All I can do is to hang on to your coat tails & wait. Its terribly humiliating and I could'nt do it if I was'nt sure I could pay you back. You did'nt want me to say anything to Ralph so I wont but I dont know what they think I'm living on. They know I hav'nt any income except the 12.50 per month from the cleaning plant & they know E has'nt had any work to speak of They must think something. Would'nt it be better to tell them that you are paying our living expenses but that it was a great drain on you. They know how much you salary is dont they so they can't have the idea you are "rolling in wealth" as you expressed it. However you know better than I what is best for them to know about your affairs. I feel as though everyone ought to know how kind you are, and Doris too. Much love to you all. 