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business conditions were to be within the next few months, it would be easy to decide.  If I thought they were to continue like this I'l feel we ought to get into one room somewhere but if they are to improve I'l hate to lost this house for its so favorably located for us & it gives me something to do. I couldn't really keep house in one room or even two.  Here I have a chance to do the washing. Work has never been so hard to get here in Cal.  The state is filling up with desperately poor people from other states that have a severe winter climate & the charitable organizations are unable to care for all of them. & the funds of state & county are inadequate.  Thousands of them are willing to work for anything that they can get or even for board & shelter; this demoralizes wages of course and makes a terrible surplus of labor.  Especially when the majority of people feel they cannot afford to have any work done. There have been some deaths from starvation right around L.A. on vacant lots & by the road side.  Tell me what