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very far from where we live. He has another in prospect too. Mean while he is making hampers and hopes to sell some. He is the most ingenious cuss. I wish you could see them. They cost merely a few cents in materials but they look like something very nice. By the time he is through with them. Any way they give him some thing to do and keep him from getting restless & uneasy. 
"Sweet are the uses of adversity" or some thing or other are the uses of adversity.  Any way it is causing Eglert to cut down in smoking so it has its use all right 
I Told him the money he was putting into tobacco would buy me things I need. so he cut down to four cigarettes a day & I hope he will beat that record soon. How is little Dot? Love to you all
We have had two good rains. Thank heaven. but it has been cold some of the time.