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unexpectedness. What a sorry mess the S - paper made of it. It would seem that any school boy could have composed a better account and editorial - so poorly expressed. Hope you will get a better report for your father's condition. I saw in the S - paper of his resignation of his position. Too bad, and the loss of his salary too makes a problem. I can sympathize with people having that problem now. If it were not for Mr. D's house repairing I don't know what he'd do.  He will come to the end of this list Though in time, and I hope the depression will be easing up by that time.  As you say the fast of Ralph Jr having been away from home for so long will prevent their missing him so keenly: but he seemed to be a nice boy and with such a promising future.  A cruel trick of fate.
Love to you all Mary, 

Thank Sidney for his thoughtfulness in sending the paper.