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to live in and we have kept it warm with the little stove she lets us use & the wood E picks up for nothing. By watching the sales I can get good food cheaply, and we are not shabby, even though we cannot spend any money on clothes. So you see it is not so bad. A dollar will buy a lot more food now than a year ago, - and my New England mother's example keeps me from wasting things so we get along pretty well. I've got $11.00 in the bank - but - it is going to cost $11.46 to carry those lots till the end of 1931. mortgage interest, taxes, street bonds & ornamental light posts charges so it is nip & tuck. But E. has had steady work now for the past month and it helps. There is'nt so much in it in these fierce competition times but its a darned sight better than nothing - and E seems to be able (always was from the time he was a boy) to stand up to hard work. Except for the time after he had his tonsils out