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and at the time & after he had his teeth out. And he has seemed to be getting better & stronger for some months past so thats all on the credit side. I have a half interest in the shop we showed you, and I have a small interest in a house Mr. Downing owns. I think he'd give me $250 for it at any time. Then the shop & lot was was almost sold for $9000 before the slump but now would'nt sell at all. However I could force the man who owns it with me to give me something for my share because he has plenty of money & wouldn't want to sell to me at a loss and I've found out just how to go about it. So if worst comes to worst I can do that. I presume he'd give me $2000 any way or $2500. I shall not do it unless I have to for real estate will come back again sometime especially here in Cal. with the constant growth in population. The lots - it is hard to say. What I could get now for them. No market now for property outside the conjested district. But as I wrote you