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people dont know me so well now. Rats desert a sinking ship you know. Well we are'nt sunk yet and I have got my face worked up into a grin that looks real natural. Its good policy to look happy whatever you face. He had'nt said any thong to me about being worried so I did'nt know why he had'nt written and thought every day but the right thing. I'm glad you told me but I will not mention it when I write to him. He wrote that Henry is working part time with him in the bank. It is lucky he is'nt married and having a family Ralph Jr seems to have been born with a silver spoon in his mouth. I feel sorry for Ralph Sr. he has to meet pretty heavy expenses. and some of it quite unnecessary too. I wish you lived nearer where I could see you once in a while and get acquainted with Dot. She must be very interesting and if she takes after her father & mother she will