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be very smart. She has a leaning to the artistic has'nt she. It is very unusual to be able to carry a tune at that age. I'd like to make her a dress and panties if I knew it would fit her. Could'nt you send me an old dress and panties as I'd love it for a pattern That sweater I made her has worried me, you never would tell me if it fitted so I feel sure it did'nt and you were too polite to say so. I told you to send it back & I'd do it over don't you remember? We have been having summer weather - warmer than summer is here - for some days. The fruit trees have shed their blossoms in many places & the waste places & grain fields are all green and beautiful It seems like home to see the country green & have warm weather at the same time  it is usually so cold when its green. I still long to see the dear old Atlantic coast again even with the paddies & dagos included in the picture, though I'd like it better without them, We certainly do appreciate your offer of help and think it was mighty kind & generous of you, but we will get along all right and don't you worry. I'll write often & you drop us a postal 
Love to you all Mary.