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65 feet on Market St and they put up their own building a two story brick beside a large sum in cash. It was a million dollar lease. The man paid less than a thousand for the lot about twenty five years ago. A holding company for the United Cigars Corp. bought it. Maybe I've told you this before but I'm sure you've forgotten it for you are not as much interested in real estate as I am. Well I expect to make a good thing out of our lots but there is no present indication of an oil boom in our direction though there are many who think there is oil there. I'd be glad to see your papers Doris. I can get something of an idea of what you've been doing although it might be a hazy one owing to my lack of scientific knowledge. Yes Maude has written me about the wedding & what she has made them for a present. It must be beautiful - I hope they appreciate it. I do hope the marriage will turn out all right