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know at a glance which are good & which ar'nt. He has been studying farming from the south eastern states angle for nearly a year.  Has some pamphlets from the U.S. Dept of Agr. & read everything in the Public Library. It is a fascinating study to him. That & mechanical work he likes but business - uh uh! He makes me tired. Anyone can walk over him like a door mat though he is quick at figures which I am not but I wont let people impose on me. If we can hold out for a while, I think he can make quite a little money in those lots he traded for. I'm not counting on oil though there now seems some chance of it but the lots are going to be valuable anyway. Five blocks up the street from us lots are held at $1000 per front foot and the business blocks are moving down our way. During the war they sold for $24 per front foot. there in Market St. It is a question of holding on till the real estate market comes to life again. It seems to be coming to that point where there may be some sales. I have now $125 feet there. 50 feet I shall have to sell as soon as I can get a chance at a customer. I've listed them at $200 per front foot. They cost me about $5000 if I can get $10000 I'll double my money. I can get it when a demand comes