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& wash clothes for you folks. I still have those bath towels you gave me when you were here they are perfectly good yet though they've been in constant use. Well how are things going with you? I imagine you did not go up north for Xmas this year. It would'nt have seemed very cheerful if you had, with Hattie gone. It will take some time before you will be used to the idea of not finding her there. Was very glad to get your letter, I thought you had forgotten all about us. Wish we could have been at Onset when you were. That is the time we'd want to go after the summer visitors had gone. How we hate cities. We have a pipe dream, don't dare to call it a plan that we are going to live in the county some where in the South Atlantic coast. Egbert has a sister in Florida. She is teaching there but has a farm and she is very anxious for us to come there. We thought at first we would, but now feel more inclined toward Virginia in the neighborhood of Richmond.  Egbert wants to have a small farm. He loves farming and if he