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doesn't try to work his fool head off it might be all right. He is in better health now but still has to be careful of himself. I wish Ida would sell her farm & come to wherever we are to be. She does not like Florida for many reasons, and I wish she could live with, or near us. Her husband is an invalid. Glad little Dot is doing so well. We will be glad to see her. If we should go to Virginia you could drive down to visit us once in a while could'nt you? 

As I said it is only a pipe dream now, we are waiting, waiting, waiting & biting our nails until the real estate market comes to life. It is beginning to revive now & then we can make some plans. The stock market slump pleased us greatly. Nothing doing in real estate while a speculative craze like that is on. You do not like the climate in Virginia but I think we would. We do not like so dry an air as we have here and we hear the country there is very beautiful. In spite of the hot summers you have, we do not hear of any sun strokes & heat prostrations in the southern states that they have in the northern & middle western