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Dear Doris & Sidney

Your letter came a long time ago and should have been answered before this but have probably been so busy you have not through about it. Ralph and his family left Monday and as you see by the post mark, we did not go with them. Maude will probably give you her theory of it so I'll let it go at that, I like the boys very much, they have their faults of course and I can see the ground for your criticism of them but they have many qualities I like, especially Ralph Jr. I'm sorry for Ralph S. - the family finances worry him and I do not wonder but I think he needs a stiffer back bone. We have been having a very warm summer here. I think its almost the warmest I ever saw here. You have had a hotter one there and I suppose especially in Washington. I read that the Government buildings are to be cooled & dried in summer and heated & humidified in [[strikethrough]] summer [[/strikethrough]] winter (if there is such a word, no dictionary) Hope they have your department done. How is little Dot? I saw the snap shot you sent Ralph and thought she was awfully sweet & cunning. The last picture I saw of her she was a