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Dear Doris and Sidney,

Your parcel arrived safely this time and I'll hasten to write you to let you know. Came this morning. Those nice woolen hose ought to keep Egbert from getting cold feet in any climate he might be in & the snuggler is very nice indeed, and I'm sure I'll find it just what I need at times. I did'nt answer your other letter because I knew it passed yours on the way & answered the questions you asked You (Sidney) & Ralph both seem to be working too hard and I wish you did not have to. How is little Dot coming along. I wish we could see her. There are three very nice little girls in the court here 12 – 8 & 5. The two younger are sisters & we are just "doty" over them

The little 12 year old is talented & bright but not as fine a type as the other two. Little Norine the 5 year old is so cunning  I'd like to steal her. They are the only children around here. There were two little tiny babies but they've moved away, and taken their parents with them. We are having a very cold backward & windy Spring. We usually do but this is more so than usual. I'd like to borrow some of your Washington climate. There were only about five days all last year when it was really warm I wore a woolen coat all summer you know how it was when you were here, well that is the way it was all summer except for a few days in August. 

Nature is a poor manager, I think I'm sure I could do better