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Dear Sidney & Doris

Perhaps I'm losing my mind, I dont know, but any way I found the little hot water bottle safely put away in a drawer instead of in the box that had the rest of your Xmas things in it I guess it is all Egbert's fault. I'm sending it with this letter so it should reach you about the same time. I'll insure it so you let me know if it does'nt arrive. So sorry you had the flu Sidney. You did'nt get up as quickly as your aged aunt did. Shows what vegex in the diet will do for one. I can't boast though for heaven knows I've not made a very good record his past year my latest stunt was lumbago. Was in bed with it for two days & shrieked & yelled at the least movement of my back. The first day I was up & about, I burned my hand and so it goes with this & that. Lumbago is'nt my idea of a good time. When you have it really bad. I do hope you were careful when you got up from the flu & did'nt take cold & I also hope you did'nt pass it on to Doris & Dot. I hope we shall get started for the east next month but I dont feel certain of anything except that this is'nt my lucky year. Did I write you that Inglewood, & environs are much excited over oil prospects? It seems to me I did but I cant remember. You did'nt say anything about it when you wrote so I guess I did'nt. You say you await my advice regarding the flu. some future attack. Yes you do. You dont pay any attention to my advice & I