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[[top margin]] So glad of the picture Isn't she cute[[/top margin]]

Dear Sidney & Dear Doris.

Your letter has just come and I'm going to answer it right away for I don't understand what you mean when you speak about a snuggler & hope I'll like it.  Do you mean you sent me one?  I've never received it.  When did you send it? You are a dear or a couple of them if you did & I'm sure I'd like it for I'm a cold critter but I told you not to spend any money on me this year for you've had a hard time of it and it must have been expensive for you to meet all you've had to this year. I have not heard from the other Blakes since their last letter dated Dec 20 and as I sent the box Dec 14 they had not had time to receive it when they wrote. I asked them to let me [[strikethrough]] as so [[/strikethrough]] know if it arrived safely and when I learned you were not going to be in S. at Xmas I wrote Ralph to forward your things & let me know the cost & I'd send him the amount.  I've been expecting a letter every day since but not a word.  I sent him