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Kelseyville, Calif.
Sept. 17th 1906
miss Grace Nicholson, Pasadena, Calif.
my Dear grace,
[[strikethrough]]you a letter[[strikethrough]] about an hour ago I wrote you a letter date 15th not known the dat but I guss [[guess]] its all right. after I wrote the letter I seen the mr Henderson the supervisor here. mr Henderson said he would give me a permet [[permit]] to take them both and that they should be taken out of there. and I could do as I please with them. he also said for me to bury them Where they ware [[were]] and when The next board meets he will give me the rights to take them, but I told him, I did not care to bother with Ikes sisters bones, but I wanted that One of my uncles bones so Mr Henderson said I shall have them, so we will lose little truble [[trouble]] and expence. before I go way tomorrow I will have another talk with mr Henderson and have him to fix it so I can get both of them