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plains people came after the white man made Venetian glass beads a culturally valuable trading item. 

Where to see the art 

The most exciting introduction to Northwest Indian art is to see it in use by modern tribes in the ageless traditions of their fathers. Watching a shaman's dance performed with a fierce animal-like mask, you can imagine the impact it had on tribal members when danced around an open pit fire that caught and reflected the overpowering, flame-lit shadow of the dancer. Following are public events at which some of the fine old objects, held within the tribes and handed down from generation to generation as treasured possessions, are brought out and used:

Members of the Makah Reservation sponsor an annual festival and salmon bake at Neah Bay about the end of August. Toward evening, after the canoe racing, tribesmen present traditional dances using the beaked animal "change face" masks which dramatically spring open to reveal an inner, carved representation of a human face. 

Indians on the Lummi Reservation (16 miles west of Bellingham) hold stommish celebrations every year around the first week of June. Tribes from Washington and British Columbia compete in war canoe racing every afternoon.

The Yakima Indian nation holds several celebrations a year in the Toppenish Longhouse. Perhaps the most interesting is the festival around Washington's Birthday weekend. During the three-day event, visitors have a chance to watch the characteristic Yakima dances performed by tribal members dressed in beaded buckskins and topknots of porcupine quills.

At Oregon's Pendleton Round-Up in early September, many of the participating tribes (Nez Perce, Umatilla, Walla Walla) bring their heirloom basketry, buckskins, and regalia for display in the Indian Arts and Crafts Building.

In major Northwest museums

In Vancouver the University of British Columbia's Anthropology Museum in the basement of the Library boasts an outstanding collection of Kwakiutl carvings. Over the years, members of the anthropology faculty have supervised the collection of house, funeral, and family totem poles, which are displayed in Totem Park on the edge of the campus.

In Victoria's Provincial Museum, you'll see a most comprehensive collection of Canadian Indian art. An outdoor exhibit in nearby Thunderbird Park features totem poles and figures of the Haida, Kwakiutl, Tsimshian, Nootka, and Bella Coola tribes. Here, too, you'll find an impressive totem restoration and preservation program being carried out under the direction of Chief Mungo Martin of the Kwakiutl tribe of Fort Rupert. A replica of Chief Martins's house, bearing carvings of his family crest, has been erected in the park.

In Seattle the Washington State Museum, 4037 15th N.E., has one of the finest existing collections of coast Indian art objects and an excellent representation from tribes east of the mountains. Until completion of a new building in 1962, some of the museum's best pieces are displayed in the Henry Art Gallery on the University of Washington campus. 

In Portland the Portland Art Museum has the famous Rasmussen collection of Indian art from Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, and Alaska.

Where to buy

Members of today's tribes, with few exceptions, have accepted the white man's economy and values. The old traditions of the carvers and weavers are dying out. However, some of the young Indians have shown a hopeful stirring of

[[image - photograph, by OLIVER TIEDEMANN]]
[[caption]] Totem poles in Kitwancool village near Hazelton, B.C., considered among best existing examples of Tsimshian style. They are being copied in Victoria as part of a restoration program [[/caption]]

Where the Indian artists live

Northwest Indians produce their art at locations noted on this map, but seldom in large enough quantity for direct sale. Names show general areas where Indians live in British Columbia. Numbers locate reservations in U.S., as follows:
1. Makah
2. Ozette
3. Quillayute
4. Hoh
5. Quinault
6. Skokomish
7. Port Angles
8. Port Gamble
9. Lummi
10. Swinomish
11. Tulalip
12. Port Madison
13. Muckleshoot
14. Nisqually
15. Squaxon Island
16. Chehalis
17. Grand-Ronde-Siletz
18. Warm Springs
19. Celilo
20. Yakima
21. Colville
22. Spokane
23. Kalispel
24. Kootenai
25. Coeur d'Alene
26. Nez Perce
27. Umatilla
28. Klamath
29. Fort Hall

[[image - map of British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, and Idaho, with the Pacific Northwestern coast]]

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