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Tea green color by keeping in shade first two weeks of drying.
Baskets are decorated with silk, worsted, white eagle down, seal-gut colored with native paint, and fish skins.

Piman family

Occupy both the Salt River, and the Gila River Reserves. Sacaton, Arizona, is reservation headquarters.

Foundation - cat tail stems (typha angrestifolia)
Sewed with willow (salix nigra)
Black for design is martynia
Baskets usually finished with braided edge.


Athapasion family

Apache  Yuma near Palomas non-reservation, Yuma County, Arizona.

Chiricahue  Oklahoma
Jicarilla  New Mexico
Mescalero  Arizona
White Mountain  Arizona
Mohave Apache

Materials used are;
Foundation - white willow (salix), sewed with splints of willow or cotton wood.
Black - devil's claw (martynia louisana)
Jicarilla Apaches used sumac for coil and split willow for sewing.
In pitched water baskets sumac for vertical foundation with mulberry for woof.
Red ochre and dry pulverized juniper leaves with pitch pine mescal.
Burden baskets of mulberry.
Place two rods for coil foundation re-enforced by strand sewed with leaves.
Narrow leaf Yucca in various stages of maturity giving white, yellow, and green.
The red is obtained from root of Yucca.


Athapascan family

Located in Hoopa Valley along Trinity River, Humboldt County, California.