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December 19, 1956

Dear folks, 
What a busy season we're having! We're just beginning the big re-decoration (paid for by landlord). This afternoon I dyed my cafe curtains (living room) a "turkey red" on top of the black & white, so now they are red & black. Jack nailed up some brown pegboard over the sink, covering the moldy plaster. The landlord bro't it and some tiles for the bathroom this afternoon. We'll lay them tomorrow after I paint the bathroom. I also plan to repaint a chair & window frames tomorrow. My two scatter rugs lie in bleaching compound, in preparation to changing to rich brown (from green) in hue tomorrow. We'll paint the bedroom & living room floors (a light red rather than present coral color) on Friday & move on to Chicago. That will be about all! Jack hates the washing & painting but enjoyed the pegboard work & probably won't mind the tile laying. 

Sorry to hear you've been sick, Dad, but it sounds as though you made the best of it. We've been fairly free of colds, tho' I had two this fall. My colds are intense and last just two days. 

Transcription Notes:
A few spots where text was hard to read - marked those sections by ? This should not have been completed - two many [[?]].