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1007 West Oregon
Urbana, Illinois
Wed., Dec. 5

Dear folks,
You seem to have a number of questions. First, we get out of school, presumably, on Dec 21 and return to classes on Jan 7. We plan to paint the apartment floor, the bathroom, tile the bathroom, & put up some board in the kitchen (which the landlady will pay for, as last year); then, about Dec 24 we'll pull off for Chicago, leaving our fresh paint behind us. We'll stay there a fair time, don't know how long. Jack wants to rebuild our phono amplifier, for which he can get Pete Tappan's help, & catch up a bit in studies. Jack's mother will go to Louisiana and Florida after Christmas, & we will stay there with grandpa. 

Let's see. госполин is "Mr.",госпожа,"Mrs."; товáрищ is "comrade" in both masculine and feminine. I'm not sure how to transliterate that, but I suppose the three are, GASPAДж, "GASPAZHÁ" and "TAVARISCH", by our methods of pronunciation, at least. I don't think we've had the word for "Miss."

We haven't heard from Barbara Sherman for