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1007 West Oregon
Urbana, Illinois
September 26, 1956

Dear folks, 

Thank you for sending the pictures. Am I to understand that these are copies for us, or are we to send them back to you? We will soon (today) get our latest photographs developed and I will enclose them. Tell us which you would like copies of and we will make them. (& send back all).*

We received the socks and belt all right. 

We are quite convinced that Penelope is pregnant. Gestation is about 60 days; Jack figures kittens should arrive about the time of his qualifying exam! We had quite a serious problem when we returned, namely that the vet had taken matters into his own hands and tried to convert her from a diet of liver and kidney to dog food. We had argued this out with him a year ago and after two months of starving her on dog food, changed to her favored food. But that didn't stop him from trying again. When the Finks picked her up he was claiming that she ate 1/3 can of dog food a day. Untrue. She ate about a tablespoonful a day for three days and her appearance was that of an alley cat in the winter of a bad year. So we, with permission of her owners, put her back on her old diet. In about a week she has doubled in weight. She just ate and slept until she had regained her weight, and we let her build up fast because of her pregnancy. Now I guess we will have to keep her from becoming overweight!

Her owners have not as yet found an apartment where they can keep a cat and probably won't. 

We went to Chicago last week end. It was a long week end due to the fact that the new president of the University, Henry, was installed Monday and classes were dismissed to attend. As you 

* I will ask the other people if they want copies --> one by one; just ask for those you want.