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may guess, most students were not in attendance.

We went up Saturday morning and didn't do much Saturday but lay around the beach. Sunday we went to a forest preserve, Argonne Forest, with the Davises. That preserve is about 1/2 hour from down town and is fairly large, enclosing woods and marshes. The spot we chose was in an area with nature trails. We looked through fixed telescopes at waterfowl and then took to the trails, which were provided with many little signs identifying things and telling stories. We found a long snake and "hypnotized" a frog by stroking the belly, just in time, so it happened, that some other strollers could get a photograph of it with their telefoto lens.

Sunday night we went out to visit the Tappans in Bartlett, about 1 1/2 hour from down town. They are the couple with two children. Since it was so late they had us spend the night. From their place we went directly down town, where I bought a few things and Jack got some texts he needed which weren't in Champaign. We had dinner with Jack's mother and Jim and Shirley and headed home. A nice week end and the last until after qualifyings.

Russian is all oral up to now and not difficult. We the class have difficulties, of course, but the teacher is very gentle and doesn't push us. We will begin grammar soon, and reading, and it may be more difficult; but Miss Dashansky is very kind.

Physics isn't bad but is time-consuming; even more so calculus, which is quite difficult. I wrestled over it long and will continue to do so, but apparently with some results, for yesterday there was a quiz in which I was the only one in the class who got a perfect paper (grade of 2) and most of the class got below 1. I must return to these now. Housework is fairly time-consuming; I must paint but I don't know when, and the place is quite dirty, from long neglect. The lady upstairs now has me using her washing machine free, so that is a help.

Love, Doris