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I have only been to two classes so far; Russian follows lunch. My schedule runs something like this: Calculus meets at 9 (to 10) five days a week; Physics meets at 10 Monday and Wednesday in a huge lecture hall where over 200 students hear the lecture. On Tuesday and Thursday from 10-12 are lab and "quiz" meetings. In the quiz meeting problems are discussed and brief quizzes given. At 1, Monday through Thursday, meets the Russian. This means late lunch on Tuesday and Thursday. Perhaps I will have to shift to the 5 o'clock Russian class, but I hope not.

Well, I have been to Russian now and will be in the 5 o'clock section. That is better, I find, since otherwise Jack wouldn't get lunch from me at all. The Russian teachers are both women, a young one and old one; they promise that the Russian language is not like its reputation at all, but very easy. Then they proceed to make us repeat after them the most unpronounceable words...I see that the vocal approach will be used a good deal partly, I suspect, because a number of future foreign service people take the course. I don't learn very well by hearing, but guess I will have to try.

I think we will continue to keep Penelope. The owners have returned and found an apartment where they do not believe cats are allowed. They are of course very sorry. Tonight we may find out.

Well, I had better start my homework if we are to have company tonight.
