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1007 West Oregon
Urbana, Illinois
July 25, 1956

Dear folks,

We went to the park with the Leondises for a picnic on Sunday. We started out with no particular destination in mind, in a different direction from that we usually take, and ended up at Kickapoo State Park, which is on the Sangamon River. That was a lucky thing, for that park is small but intriguing: little clear stretches of water with sandy bottom to wade on, turbid rushes of water separated by islands, dammed lakes for boating, with more islands and coves, hills (small) and lots of forest. We intend to return, perhaps camp out overnight. One thing which was surprising was a certain view of badly eroded land which, from a distance you would think of resembling the West; it turned out to be the top of an enormous gravel pit just outside the park. From the road it looked like tablelands. I got some pictures there, one of that, which I hope come out. We will develop our first roll sometime soon and will show them all to you in D.C.

The Leondises have finally got around to getting into their house in Danville--that is, it is at last vacant. They planned to move about a month ago. Friday they leave for good, so we will be seeing them tonight for the last time. 

We haven't been doing much this week or during the week generally, since my homework is heavy and getting heavier. The man intends to finish the book entirely, which professors need not do, and he is pushing ahead at fabulous speed. This Friday we have our third hour exam, which I must study hard for; I may have to take Thursday afternoon off. Previously the exams have been