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1007 West Oregon
Urbana, Illinois
July 18, 1956

Dear folks,

We enjoyed the pictures of your trip and are enclosing them in return.

I am surprised at the high cost of tomatoes in your area. Here they are about 1/2 that price. I shall certainly want to grow them if they keep on being high, even for the reason that the "store boughten" fruit are so completely tasteless!

We had a nice week end with guests. Henry & Beatrice, Jack's old pal, came to dinner Saturday night. We spent most of Saturday cleaning & repairing, a job long put off by many trips to Chicago & homework. Sunday the Leondises came over & we fed them breakfast, a huge meal -- I saw a dozen eggs, about, & a loaf of bread disappear! I don't know how the family has lived on a little over $150 a month. They have always been very generous with food to us & other neighbors, too.

On my second math hour exam, Monday, I thought I did very badly, but actually got one point below an "A" grade. On the previous hour exam I got an "A". The teacher gives very tough assignments & exams & expects very little of his class, a strange combination I