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1007 West Oregon
Urbana, Illinois
July 5, 1956

Dear folks,

Yes, we received your birthday gift to me all right, in good shape. We have been wanting some kind of camera for a long time, especially for the trip to Washington, and now we have that! We shall use it a good deal when we vacation, I'm sure, and even try to get a few shots of our area here since you don't get out our way. It's a very uninteresting area, but I suppose we shall want some memories of it!

I am sorry to hear of Sophy's troubles. I wonder if she is consulting a doctor at all. There is no real "cure" for arthritus, if that is what she has, but possibly her pains have some other source. I would not be surprised if they were a little psychosomatic, but of course not her fault consciously. Give her our best.

Over the holidays we stayed home and visited some friends, who gave us a fine supper. Jack worked some on his model boat, of a German motor-torpedo craft (about l foot long); it is taking shape fast. He will put in as motor an old clock part he and Alex found as boys, when they both built boats like this often, in fleets. The motor was formerly in another craft which had been sat upon, which did not do the balsa frame any good. We took it out for a spin a day when the intersection before the house was flooded, and it had some fast runs before it became obvious that leaks were rapidly increasing in size.

It is raining almost every day here. Illinois corn has a fine start. Our living quarters are not unduly damp, and the dehumidifier works steadily. No insects, fortunately; no mold or anything. But it is not the worst kind of weather: it might be not.

You asked about the "practical" aim of taking the math course. It is practical to get to know more about Jack's field, and also "practical" if I can continue with math and physics further over the years, if I