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1007 West Oregon
Urbana, Illinois
June 27, 1956

Dear folks,

Thank you for sending the pictures, am returning same. Jack suggests that you keep the camera in a dark room during the year when you do not develop a roll at once, for light leaked in apparently.

Seems you are having a tremendous quantity of cherries. The people visiting you are probably as numerous as birds in collecting them!

Our trip to Chicago last week end was a bit tiring, since we started back Monday a.m. at 5:00 instead of the night before. We won't try that again! We had a good time however, visiting people in a nearby town all Saturday and going to the beach on Sunday with people. The water was very cold so that I did not go in and even Jack went only in for a brief dip, and he is used to it. We (about 6 people) built some very large sand castles, however.

Alex Leondis is leaving for California, where he will work (he just got an M.S. in Engineering). Before he left he gave away a lot of things, including an old and heavy but servicable bike to Jack, an old electric clock (of which he made the case) to us and other odds and ends. Jack has been wanting a bike to ride to work too instead of taking the car or walking, and now we can ride out together too in the afternoon.