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1007 West Oregon
Urbana, Illinois
May 2, 1956

Dear folks, 

I filled out Jack's big security clearance form last night and we got it handed in for the job at Control Systems Laboratory. The job may begin right away - a few hours a week so he can get clearance started - or it may not. The Lab is very close, on campus, and is headed by the head of the Physics Department; I'm not sure what its status is, but I don't think it is entirely University. 

I will work all summer, but am thinking now of taking one course -- in Analytical Geometry. That would meet an hour a day, probably, and I may have to take leave without pay to take it -- but it would get me well on the way, so I will make every effort to take it. Work probably will be much lighter in the summer, and I will probably be able to do much homework here on the job. Then next fall I could take a real load -- Physics, Calculus, and Russian! I'll be so happy if I can get along. Of course Jack can help out. He willprobably be teaching the Physics course I am taking, but I'll be careful to stay out of his section! Thanks for the offer of the Russian books. I will [[note]]Not the same[[/note]] check and see what texts are used. We can pick them up next fall if we need to. [[note]](No)[[/note]]

Penelope, we thought, would never make a bird-catcher. Active and agile, she is not content as are many great lumpish cats to wait patiently under a bush for a bird to draw near: She goes galloping after them the way a dog chases squirrels. Last Saturday morning, however, when I opened the door to let her in at lunch, there was