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glass & the heavy liquid covered the kitchen floor.  Penelope rushed over it again & we shut her out of it.  Jack got our vet friend Paul Leondis, who diagnosed it as a not dangerous but highly painful to cats -- people torture them with it (who want to).  She retired to inside the couch & stayed there a good part of the day.  Next day she was O.K.

Jack got his assistantship (teaching) for next fall O.K. today.  $1500 for 9 months.  He has been working very hard lately.  Tonight, Friday, usually a big time of celebration, he is still at it.  We will go to see Cedarstands and/or the University (25ยข) movie later.

We are going to Chicago at Easter (2-3 days).

What's this "Sunday letter" business?  We do not, I repeat, not send letters to you on Sunday.  Thursday or Friday maybe, but not Sunday - I will confirm Doris' word on this.

Things are going very well here.  I think I have found a field to do thesis work in.
