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1007 West Oregon
Urbana, Illinois
March 8, 1956

Dear folks,

We have not yet heard from you, but I will start this letter and finish it when we do.

Jack has discovered how we can study and at the same time luxuriate in the bathtub -- by use of an old ironing board across the tub! He is in process. This Saturday he has a big exam, and after that he goes into the big push toward the qualifying -- 8 hours about per day, letting other work slide. He can get away with this in French, which he expects to drop just after proficiency exam near end of semester, taking it long to get G.I. money; in the lab course because the instructor agrees and his program is flexible; in math because it is an easy course with mostly engineering students; and in his only hard course, because so many other people in it are taking the qualifying that the instructor will let up at that time. If, near the end, he decides not to take the exam (April 6 and 7) he will not have wasted the time; will study all summer and take it in the fall.

I have had a cold for a couple of days but am over it now. Jack doesn't seem to be getting it.

Dad, I got the plan for the Hampton Court maze from the library.

Just received your letter.

On the second request for why we stopped taking a local paper, I finally told them the truth (on unsigned card) we had collected enough papers for kitty litter for the rest of the semester).

We got our income tax statement off a month or two ago, since there was very little to say.