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We should be getting our refund, of about $50 back before too long, I hope! I plan to use it to take driving lessons. i guess when one has as much property as you folks do making it out is quite a pain.

Thank you very much for the offer of the silver. We will nevertheless purchase stainless, which we both prefer for its ease of care and durability and also, incidentally, low cost. I enclose a folder of the pattern we may select, which you will return, please? The family silver may appeal to our children, so we shall certainly treasure it. We are not buying because we don't have the needed implements to eat with but because we has might as well get our permanent stuff. I don't want to get permanent furniture or anything like that for several years, but this one thing I can get now.

Penelope is playing with a clothes pin Jack keeps on the desk to close the hot air vent. She is somewhat alarmed by the typewriter. She is being very pestiferous these days with warm weather beginning a little -- she wants to go out all the time. Even if it is raining she insists, and is back in five minutes; then wants out again. How dumb she is!

Well, back to work.
