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1007 West Oregon
Urbana, Illinois
February 29, 1956

Dear folks,

Interesting to hear of the big blow. We no sooner 
got rid of our snow last week end than it snowed 
again, and today we are getting rid of that.

Washington's birthday is not a holiday here, for 
us at least.

Nothing much going on but work and study for myself 
and Jack respectively. Again this semester we are 
members of the Film Society and take in an old 
movie almost every Tuesday night, and on week ends 
we usually go out visiting one night, but the rest 
is work.

Penelope is on a rampage now, her usual daily one. 
Jack lets her bite but does not permit scratching, 
a regulation sometimes hard to enforce. She is 
playing tag with him, ambushing and all the rest. 
As the weather gets better she likes to go out 
several times a day; when I come home for lunch 
Jack generally lets us in together, his two women-folk

I expect Jack will take an assistantship (teaching) 
this coming fall. He has sent in his application. 
He would about $1500 for the academic year and be 
able to take 3 courses. Teaching assistantships 
are generally essirer than research ones, taking 
less time and drawing about the same remuneration. 
During the summer he will work for the University 
full time.

He had a French exam this morning in which he did 
quite well. I will let him say a few words from 
here on.