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paste and a little seasoning on it; cooked the rice in a pot about the same length of time; at the last moment, added half a cup or more of sour [[strikethrough]]milk[[/strikethrough]] cream to the meat and served it on the rice at once. That will be one of our favorite dishes for a while now. We still have the liver and onions dish once a week, at it is still very popular. 

Since Penelope is being fed on liver and kidney, she never covets our meals any more. She used to sit on a nearby table or chair and look on with a martyred air. 

Liska Deichmann's account of her fire amused us very much. She had such a funny old car!

Thanks, Dad, for the research into the Hampton Court maze. I think I'll ask the landscape architects in my department of their recommendations for starting a maze. I would also be interested in the plan of the maze. As for the sunburst locust, I am glad it does not have thorns. That might be a good small shade tree. 

Soon, ah soon, will come my first pay-check from the new joy -- only once a month now. It ought to be just over $200, tax having been removed. We are going to buy Jack some pants and repair the bicycle, which needs new hand brakes. If we do these things gradually we need not touch the bank account. I am also considering beginning to buy our "silver", which in our case will be good stainless. A New York friend is sending me the available patterns; she is a great shopper. If we get a place setting every few months or so we should get somewhere. 

Well, I'd better send this of if it's going to reach you at all!
