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1007 West Oregon
Urbana, Illinois
January 10, 1956

Dear folks, 

Itt[[strikethrough]] s [[/strikethrough]] too bad to hear that you have been sick for so long, Dad! Jack may have had the type of virus you had, for he was sick mainly in the head and throat and felt quite debilitated. I, fortunately, did not get it. 

As for money, I was referring to the condition we were in after Xmas and two trips to Chicago plus buying [[strikethrough]] all [[/strikethrough]] groceries there; from this Friday on we will be in good shape. We are living on my salary, which is $200 a month after taxes, and putting Jack's $140 in the bank each month. 

Incidentally, I am changing jobs on January 28. The Uni. Press doesn't have enough work to have five workers, and I was the last to arrive. I am taking a job as clerk-steno for the Dept. of City Planning and Landscape Architecture, which pays better than my present job and has a fair amount of responsibility, since I will be the sole girl working for the department. Also, I had an interview with the children's encyclopedia (OUR WONDERFUL WORLD) publishers, who say they want me for an assistant editor position sometime in the next six months. Of course that is not a promise. 

About Jack's trip, it was inconclusive merely in his not being able to decide definitely whether or not he wanted to work for them. Living in N.J. wouldn't be bad; there is much open country, practically unlived in, on top of the palisades near the Bell N.J plant. 

Finished Jack's sweater. It is a trifle too wide, but doesn't hang or bag. [[strikethrough]] much [[/strikethrough]]