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1007 West Oregon
Urbana, Illinois
December 19, 1955

Dear folks,

A bit early this week. A number of interesting things have happened.

Frist away, I should explain the card. You can see that the figures are Jack and myself. Jack is posing as the happy student. He is rarely grim or serous as a student; he really does enjoy his work. The cap is added with his full consent. I am posing as the anxious wife, anxious that he pass his various exams, in particular the qualifying (Ph.D.) exam next March.

The most significant thing that has happened was a phone call from New York. Last summer Jack was interviewed, in response to a newspaper ad, by a representative of Bell Laboratories in D.C. They gave him a form to fill in. He filled this in a few weeks ago. Bell was not so slow; they called long distance today. They are willing to help him get educated while he works part-time, and invited him, all expenses paid, to New York on Dec. 29 and 30 for further talks.

This sounds very good because of the esteem Jack has for Bell Laboratories. He may not accept, of course, but he will return to Chicago, where I will be waiting, to complete the New Year's week end happily in any case.

Among the minor items... I am knitting Jack a charcoal-gray sleeveless sweater which looks as if it might be done by Xmas; we are very un-busy in the office so near the holiday. On the holiday, we are going up Friday night in our car or