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1007 West Oregon
Urbana, Illinois 
October 19, 1955 

Dear folks,

Just got your note. I was far too busy to write when I usually do last night. I upholstered, or rather finished upholstering my couch -- in a brown (dark) denim with beading (rope on edges), tacked on with tacks. It cost $3 and makes the room look a lot better. A friend -- Joan Cederstrand -- and I rented a sewing machine. Now I have to finish curtains and will be done in decorating -- except then I will probably want to make frames for my drawings, etc.

Incidentally, out basement was not flooded in any extreme way -- about an hour's work got it all out, and we have never before or after had any water in during rains. 

I am very sorry to hear about Nellie Robbins. It was nice of Bruce to take Mr. Johnson to California, and well deserved. 

We were in Chicago this last week-end. We went out and saw some old friends who have moved to Chicago from Washington -- the Steve Davis's, who were at our wedding, although not yet engaged. We took the train. It is just as cheap as driving due to the student week-end rates, and is so much easier on the nerves. Jack can also study. His mother sent us back with cookies, another friend sent us back with a big jar of waterweed for the a[[strikethrough]]c[[/strikethrough]]quarium of his brother, and we were traveling around in the rain, but it was fine. We will go up again on Thanksgiving.

Penelope has been ill. We had our vet friend over, and he took her temperature and listened to her heart and lungs to pronounce that she had neither distemper nor pneumonia; then he gave us some antibiotics to give her. She is not weak, and has a good appetite, and seems better today. I think she will be recovered soon, but we were worried at first.

I should like to have seen Bartsch's ferns.
I guess I will go to bed. 

P.S. Do you, Mother, remember whether or not I had tetanus shots in series before going abroad or any time thereafter? Shots are given in threes, one a month after the first time and the last a year later. It seems unlikely that I took them that way; at the University I can get free shots and think I will if I have not had them, and probably if I did too. 
