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1104 West California 
Urbana, Illinois
April 28, 1955 

Dear folks, 

We received your card just now saying that you would be in Arl., VA. on Saturday, so we will try to reach you in time. Jack says that there is an experiment going on by which all regular mail from Chicago to D.C. travels by air, but I don't think we will trust to that this time. 

You seem to have been able to stop off with scientist people all along the way, which is one of the advantages of being a scientist!

I didn't mention that we received your sail instructions, but we did and we purchased the material at a quite reasonable cost ($15) in Chicago. When I get to make it is another question! I am so busy now with my two judgement designs for Design a wooden "free form", one a 3-D painting with restricted palette (1 color, black & whites tempora)that I can't seem to do anything else. 

I will add a few words to this. I'm feeling very good right now; I just