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was warm, & most of the snow was gone or slushed up when we hit Champaign near noon. When we went up to Chicago Saturday the same bad luck pursued us: a snow on the afternoon before we left. We did well, tho’, and covered the ground in 4 1/2 hours. A very pleasant weekend at which I met (again) his brother and wife (and their cat, which our cats inspired), and two of his best friends plus several of his mother's friends. The last thing we did was to carry his mother & grandfather (aged 86) to play quartet music (grandfather on violin) at one of their friends' homes. He's a wonderful, tho deaf, old man.

Studies: I am taking the two basic art courses offered here (for art majors): drawing and design and a math course which will prepare me for physics next fall. The instructors vary but the curriculum is fairly heavy (i'm in class 19 hrs. a week as compared to Jack's 12 hrs). Jack can't take.. for the reason that many classes start in the fall.. as many valuable courses as he wants, but is currently enrolled in 2 physics & 2 math courses -- a light schedule as far as difficulty is concerned, as is mine.