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on the wall and he was a sight. First he tested the light beam, then slowly, sitting or crawling, approached the wall. Finally he felt the picture and kept felling the various packs of various pictures, evidently amazed that they all felt the same.

This week end we have company on Friday night (a physicist and date) go to pot luck supper at a Physics Wives meeting Saturday night. The following week end is the one preceding my bad physic courses hour exam, so I'm not going anywhere then, so prepare to enjoy myself this weekend.

We have lots of apples out here, of which the best are the mac intosh.

took a photo lately of a very attractive dried seed pod in the field (4-5 feet height). 


this very scanty evidence, do you know what it is, Dad? Wish I Dared send the slide, but as it's one of our best, had better not.
