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Last week end we had the Cederstrands over and a slide show. We also saw a movie and spent the afternoon in the country. [[strikethrough]] To [[/strikethrough]] Yesterday evening we went to the current film of the Film Society, to which we belong ($3 per person for a season, of about 10 films), an oldie, "The Thin Man." Two weeks ago they played "The Phantom of the Opera." All old films. Tonight we go to the DeWits for their slide showing; Monday next night, we go to a slide showing at the Ken Rogers' (friends of the DeWit's); I am trying to wrangle a social evening of mounting slides with yet another couple. You see our camera provides the basis for local social life (at least, for excuses for same)!

In spite of all this, Jack studies hard for prelims (much of last night, when he couldn't sleep, for example) and I do course work. I did get that [[Russian?]] job and have already been paid.  

Have a good time (you probably have had) at the embassy party and all.  Glad to hear of the rose show winnings.  Any more chicken manure?
