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515 Bash Court
Champaign, Illinois
August 7, 1958

Dear folks, 

The rain is coming down in one flash flood after another this afternoon. I had to put off leaving for lunch until 12:30 (usual time is 12) and return at 1:30. We are still living in two apartments (until Friday night) so we had to go to both to put down windows and mop up floors. Jack works in the basement of the Physics lab, so he no doubt has a big flood there now. I can still remember the flood we had at 1007 West Oregon--with Penelope furiously ranting at us for having brought it all on her.

Penelope, incidentally, is returning to Champaign-Urbana along with her owners. The Finks, unable to get a University job upon coming out of the Army, have decided that he should go back for a Doctorate in Music this fall, they just informed us. They have a baby girl now as well as Penelope and five kittens. They say the baby torments the cat unbelievably, with no re-buffs. I will try to help them find an apartment, for now is the time to do so. We will be very glad to have them back, they not so glad to be back, I'm sure.

Thank goodness we will be living in one place on Saturday. Our lease expires at the other place on Friday, and the people who sold us the frigidaire will help us move it Saturday afternoon. Also Phil Lewis, a Prof. in my office, has kindly offered the use of his station wagon to move it, so we won't have the truck bill we had last week for other furniture. Then we moved our bed, dining table and chairs and a bookcase from the Lewis (Ralph) apartment, and we have been sleeping at the new place ever since and eating lunch and supper at 707. Lewis still has our long desk and two chairs and the couch, which he will help us move the following week end! he is taking his final exam for the doctorate tomorrow and will leave town the next week, preparatory to mailing to Germany where he does research next year.

We are very pleased with the new apartment. It is on a north-east side, windows mainly north, and by far the coolest place except our old basement apartment. There is much window space which, now that it is covered by my colorful curtains, sheds much colored light into the rooms. There is a bookcase just behind the bed used like a bed stead, on which we have our old flourescent lamp (when did I get that?), the clock and room for books, magazines and food for peaceful relaxation. Did I tell you about the beautiful bed coverlet given me by Marguerite?