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It was given to her by a rich woman she knows who even made it, a rich shiny cotton, lined spread with squares of carrying shades of green made by spiralling inward different pieces of cloth, ornament here and there by pink and purple flowers, also appliqued. It is quite heavy and strong, and I guess will have to be dry cleaned. An enormous amount of things went into the 3 foot closet, because it is very high inside, but our day-to-day clothes are in a four-foot clothes rack (open metal), which also holds shoes. Saturday or Sunday I painted and applied contact paper to our old metal cabinet we got our 2 (five shelves, two-door) and arranged Jack's tools and our camera materials in parts of the stove and applying contact paper to a long shelf to be used for preparing food and drying dishes. If you haven't used contact paper for poor metal wood surfaces, it is very good, and can easily be removed; it preserves the surface. At lunch today we packed up several more boxes (we do on every meal at the old apartment) of food and pots and pans this time, and will try to get most kitchen stuff over by tonight, since the kitchen is now on the Cedarstrand sewing machine, and on Saturday things should be about as arranged as they will be for another week. Jack is quite busily at last working on the ancient projector, getting it ready to project the slides which we now have, having had our camera passed the optical quality test he devised, showing good focussing power all over its lens surface.

This week end we will take pictures of the Illinois landscape and campus so that you will be able to have a look at them, perhaps the only view you will get of this part of the world.

We will probably leave town on Wednesday, August 27 and go via Chicago, where we will spend the night. We will go straight to Boston by present plan, stay there a few days, then go down to D.C. stopping off a while in New York, where we know at least two couples. Depending on their answers to our letters, we will know how long to expect to stay. While in Boston we might go to Martha's Vineyard or some other place on the Cape. I haven't seen if we will go through Springfield, but we might be able to arrange to see the folks there, for a short time, unless we get there around bed time. Perhaps some one could put us up, with our sleeping bags and all. Mainly we would like to take a liesurely trip since now we are working too hard and have been for too long.

We hope you have a good time in New England and don't labor too hard on the place. We may well stay in Stoughton a night or two, so have the water on, and tell us how to have it turned off. Well, must get back to the job.
