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in the bedroom, but none in kitchen or bath.

My tasks are several; currently I am painting the living room woodwork black. The walls have all just been done a very light green. Sunday I dyed the 20 yards of cheap muslin needed to drape all those windows in fairly deep shades of blue and gold. We have ordered a 9x12 fiber ivy, gray (the floors look quite scarred) and some couch cover material of the same blue & gold. We sold our oak desk and bought a chest of drawers for the same amount. Now I will spend an hour or two finishing the paint job & then return to the huge task of sewing draperies. I have the drapes in 1 1/2 foot wide ^ 6 feet long panels not fastened together, so that I can arrange them in various ways; some are pure white. Then I can easily re-dye if they begin to fade also.

800 Jap beetles! How long did it take to capture them?

We have another bird: friends brought over a sparrow, English of course. This one has a voice & is very cherpy , eats very well , most fond of banana. 

Well, back to work.

Love, Doris