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707 West Springfield 
Urbana, Illinois
April 2, 1957

Dear folks,

The weather here too is on the up-&-up, raining a little but warm enough not to wear a winter coat.

I have [[crossed-out]] a couple [[/crossed-out]] three of research problems for you, mother, one of which you should be able to do by phone. In the first place, a fellow we know is thinking about applying for a job (listed) as an art worker of sorts getting exhibits ready in the new Smithsonian. He'd appreciate any gossip you'd happen to have heard about such work. He graduates in June. When will it be built & how much "art" is there, etc.? He just wants gossip, he can get other facts. 

In the second place, I and the other fellow who is translating Russian for Physics dept. have heard of & want to get hold of the Library of Congress scheme - or list of names - for transliterating Russian names into English. Could you find out what exists in that line?

In the third place: [[crossed-out]] Bill [[/crossed-out]] I happened casually to ask Bill Jencks at X-mas about the meaning of a painting (print) we have, since it was from the end of the middle ages & he is an ardent medievalist. He & his wife plunged unto research