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707 West Springfield 
Urbana, Illinois 
February 12, 1959

Dear folks, 

Enclosed are some pictures taken of us bu Zig Steinbergs, my Russian class friend, an amateur photographer. Please return!

I keep hoping things will get less busy but that is just not the case since I am more serious about Russian now, I spend up to two hours a day on it. The Differential Equations math course is a snap requiring two or three hours a week, but the course in matrices is my nightmare: he assigns three sets of about 12 problems each plus about 40 pages of reading a week; these 12 problems take me close to 12 hours! 

Today is a bad day, for, since I had to go to laundry & market at noon & must somehow do Russian in one hour when I finish this letter. 

We are having company this week end, the De Wits, & I will make a Chinese dish I like which is rather laborious, however, I was in real luck in purchasing one item for it: green peppers. You probably haven't noticed, but